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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Do You Know Salvage & Towage Company at Hongkong?

Posted by Berita Kapal, if ask to me Do You Know Salvage & Towage Company at Hongkong?
This company also known as Hongkong Salvage & Towage (“HKST”), the modern day HUD Salvage & Towage was established in 1973 when Hongkong & WhampoaDock Company, then owner of HKST, merged with Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering to form Hong Kong’s largest marine engineering company. The origins of HKST date back to 1935 when it operated in Shanghai as Shanghai Towage Company before relocating to Hong Kong in the 1950′s.
Today, HUD Salvage & Towage designs, owns and operates Asia’s leading tug fleet and is the only Hong Kong based member of the International Salvage Union. The fleet is Hong Kong’s largest with 11 vessels totaling 40,800 BHP at an average age of 6 years, one of the youngest tug fleets in the world. Most vessels are constructed to meet UK, Hong Kong, and Australian specifications and regulations and all are classed either with Lloyd’s Register or Bureau Veritas.
Company contact detail:
HUD Salvage & Towage
HUD Administration Building,
Sai Tso Wan Road,
Tsing Yi,
New Territories,
Hong Kong.
Tel (852) 2612-6800
Fax (852) 2480-5894

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