Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Bls: [pelaut] A short story : 3



what a funny story in a funny world, isn't it? hahahaha....

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Dikirim: Jumat, 7 Oktober 2011 20:18
Judul: [pelaut] A short story : 3

A short story :


      There was once a foolish farmer. He had a good hen.The hen gave him an egg every day. He sold the eggs and got much money.                                               
      The farmer thought, there must be many eggs inside the hen. If I kill the hen, I shall get many eggs in one day, and I shall get much money at once.               
      So He caught the hen, and kill it. But when he cut it open, he did not find any eggs inside.     

      The hen was dead. The farmer could get no more eggs. He could get no more money either.:(:(  :'( :'(.

PT Sukma Ocean
Jl.Gading Mas Barat V Blok A8 No.33 RT 01/11 Pegangsaan Dua kec.Kelapa Gading North Jakarta 12450

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