kalo di OCS kena charge ga sih?
--- Pada Jum, 30/9/11, Wahyudi Santoso <yudisant_simbad@yahoo.com> menulis:
Dari: Wahyudi Santoso <yudisant_simbad@yahoo.com>
Judul: Re: [pelaut] New info vacancy from OCS indonesia
Kepada: "pelaut@yahoogroups.com" <pelaut@yahoogroups.com>
Tanggal: Jumat, 30 September, 2011, 2:20 PM
Please info email OCS, thanks
Wahyudi S
From: Indonesian Crews <indonesiancrews@yahoo.com>
To: pelaut@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: [pelaut] New info vacancy from OCS indonesia
Dear all seafarers brotherhood.
I just received some recruitment info from PT.OCS indonesia as below:
Barge master class 2 or 1 unlimited. salary 250 Euros .3:1 on/ off,
placement to be confirm( prefer in U.A.E.)
Port captain class 2 or 1 unlimited.same salary and duration.
And Urgently needed 6 Mechanics,ATTD or ATTV.salary 1500 USD/month.6:1 ON/OFF...all candidates will be test with native speaker for further interview..so English is A MUST.that's what i heard from the HR officer.
Hopefully these information is useful.PT.OCS phone no:+62218353922/21
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