Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[pelaut] (unknown)


dear all,

i have seen adv for Master and wish looking for Master or Marine
supervisor in your company, and i have just graduated from the academy
merchant marine academy Indonesia (STIP)-JAKARTA,
my major nautical department.
leaving school class II,and certivicate class 1/1 in proges and i
inters to join your company,

i am able to attend an interview and start work asap
pls see in attachments. thanks for your attention and

+62813 8282 3502

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