i haved experience as laundrymaan for 3 years and as dtewards for 2 years at MSC, shipping cruise company, italia office with complete certificated and documen, passprot, seaman book and panama book
>Dari: Pak Dom <reinhard.dombrowski@yahoo.com>
>Kepada: pelaut@yahoogroups.com
>Dikirim: Sabtu, 3 September 2011 17:08
>Judul: [pelaut] Catering crew for Barges
>Dear Indonesian Seafarers,
>for an accommodation barge operating in Indonesia we are looking for all ranking in Catering area.
>Ch Cook
>Ass Cook
>Mess boys
>please send your CV to
>crewing at lighthaus-marine.com or
>or this yahoo mail.
>bets rgds
>capt R.Dombrowski
>Lighthaus Pte Ltd
>961, Upper Changi Road North
>Singapore 907 663
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