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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

[pelaut] BMP4


BMP4 hits the streets
(Aug  19  2011) 

The 4th Edition of the shipping industry's Best Management Practices for Protection against Somalia Based Piracy (BMP4) has been published.
BMP4 has been produced by the shipping industry group in consultation with the combined naval forces - EUNAVFOR, the NATO Shipping Centre and the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations Office (UKMTO) and also INTERPOL.
The revision of BMP has been aimed at targeting seafarers. With this in mind BMP4 maintains the pocket-sized booklet format with a new title, which reinforces the message that BMP is designed to protect seafarers, the group said.
Security advice augmenting BMP4 will continue to be accessible on The Maritime Security Centre – Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) web site
Updates in BMP4 include a revision to the boundaries of the High Risk Area – now defined as an area bound by Suez and the Strait of Hormuz to the North, 10 deg South, and 78 deg East.
The northern boundary, which is now defined as the Strait of Hormuz, recognises the fact that no piracy attacks have been recorded in the Persian Gulf to date and as such, there is no threat there from Somali-based piracy.
Improvements to the booklet include a new executive summary at the beginning detailing the three fundamental BMP requirements to:
1. Register with MSCHOA.
2. Report to UKMTO.
3. Implement self protection measures (SPMs).
Other changes of note include:
• An Aide Memoire in diagrammatic format which illustrates how to 'Avoid Being a Victim of Piracy'.
• There is also a revision to Section 5 – re-titled 'BMP Reporting Procedures' and which clarifies reporting requirements for MSCHOA and UKMTO.
• Company planning (Section 6) and ship's master's planning (Section 7) are set out in a new tabular format.
• Section 12 provides a new sub-section on 'Prosecution of Pirates – Assisting Law Enforcement Authorities', which was produced in conjunction with INTERPOL. This section includes reference to a 24/7 helpline and to INTERPOL's new Maritime Task Force website.
• The section on citadels (Section 8) includes reference to an industry paper on citadels on the MSCHOA/NATO Shipping Centre websites and states Naval/Military forces' criteria applied before boarding will be considered to release those in a citadel.
• A new section on armed private maritime security contractors includes a reference to IMO guidance included on the MSCHOA and NATO Shipping Centre websites.
• Guidance on the assistance provided by INTERPOL.
Steamship Mutual P&I club has commissioned the production of a 40-minute training film Piracy - The Menace at Sea - for its members.
This is a training film for seafarers to promote the BMP message. The film, made with support of EUNAVFOR, NATO Shipping Centre, UKMTO and industry, was launched to coincide with the publication of BMP4.
The industry group (BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO, ITF, OCIMF & SIGTTO) will purchase an additional 10,000 copies of the film for distribution by DVD to vessels along with BMP4.

================= fm tanker operator =============================

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