Betul, ini pemerintah tak betul
Harus didemo, paling nggak demo di siaran pagi TV One
Ayo kumpulkan tenaga
Kamu pasti bisa, jangan hanya teriak disini
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [pelaut] gagal berangkat gara gara
Waduuuhhh... Tega betul
Tapi kok ada junior sy semalam
Mau Brangkat, katanya juga bermasalah
Dibandara krn tdk punya si DOI yg
Menggemaskan itu
Tdk sempat ngurus si DOI krn
Brangkatnya sgt mendadak.
Tapi kmudian nelp lagi,katanya uda
Dipesawat. Krn Dia Buru2 hrs matikan HP, sy tdk sempat
Tanya, gimana akhirnya kok dia bisa boarding??
Kemungkinan besar pake "pelumas"
Jadi jalannya licin lancar sampe boarding.
Ini tdk bisa dibiarkan, kita hrs bangun utk DEMO segera !!!
Tapi akhirnya nelp pamit,katanya
Uda di pesawat
PT Sukma Ocean
Jl.Gading Mas Barat V Blok A8 No.33 RT 01/11 Pegangsaan Dua kec.Kelapa Gading North Jakarta 12450
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-----Original Message-----
From: " <> " < <> >
Sender: <>
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2011 04:06:33
To: <> < <> >
Reply-To: <>
Subject: [pelaut] gagal berangkat gara gara
Saya baru trima email dari kantor tentang ktkln,sungguh ironis...tak jadi berangkat karna barang itu...tertahan di imigrasi,kasian negara ini,...jenis apa sih barang itu?
Sent from my Nokia phone
-----Original Message-----
From: usman wahidin
Sent: 01/07/2011 01:47:03
Subject: Bls: [pelaut] Urgent Requirement for Chemical Tanker
my name usman wahidin.I holding certificate engineer class 3 & I also have experien in chemical tanker,my number 081390249394
Pada Kam, 30 Jun 2011 17:37 WIB <> menulis:
>Dear All,
>I have an urgent requirement for Chemical Tanker Vessel with DWT 3,667. Please see below details for your ready reference:
>1. Master- Class 1 COC salary is US $ 8,500.00
>2. 2nd Officer Class 2 COC salary is US $3,200.00
>3. 4th Engr- Class 3 COC salary is US $2,700.00
>Joining 1st-2nd week of July
>1. Chief Officer- Class 1 COC salary is US $6000.00
>2. Chief Enginer- Class 1 COC salary is US $ 8,300.00
>Kindly send your CV using my attached form and please ensure that the application form has the following:
>• photograph,
>• contact no., (to conduct interview direct to the candidates)
>• address/email (enter in same field)
>• complete sea-time experience with vessel DWT
>Send along with the application form all the documents such as passport copy, Seaman's book with stamp pages, STCW certificates and COC certificate.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
2. ATTACHMENT akan dibanned, krmkan ke pelaut-owner atau upload ke FILE.
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