Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Bls: [pelaut] Info Email Kawan - Kawan



Dear Mr. Abdul Haris,

For the first,I'm so sorry. This is solechudin, one of the person that you've mentioned on your previous email. let me clarify the matter, Sir. there something wrong with my previous email. seems like a spam entering my email. so,when i open my email,automatically all the contact on my email are sending a link that i don't know. by this group, i want to say sorry if there is another email that send to the member of this group which is include in my contact. my friend told me that this is happen when i tried opening an unknown link on my email. and to avoiding that case happening to the member of this group, if you have received a link that unknown or strange, please do not open that link. thanks.


--- Pada Kam, 21/7/11, Abdul Haris <> menulis:

Dari: Abdul Haris <>
Judul: [pelaut] Info Email Kawan - Kawan
Tanggal: Kamis, 21 Juli, 2011, 5:51 PM


Diberitahukan bahwa nama tersebut dibawah masuk ke email kami (subjek tidak

ada/kosong) dan lampira juga kosong:

1. Bpk. Helbin Malau, 5x kosong

2. Bpk. Herman Sosiawan, 2x kosong

3. Bpk. Nursan San, 2x kosong

4. Bpk. Solechudin, 1x kosong

5. Bpk. Yarianto Baralagi, 1x kosong

6. Dan yang lainnya masih banyak (maaf tidak tertulis)

Mungkin diantara nama tersebut address emailnya dipakai untuk jejaring sosial.

Jika anggapan kami salah mohon maaf dan cukup sampai disini saja.

Kami masih membutuhkan 2 master endos below GT3000 or more untuk 2 kapal supply

(Neuvo Leon dan Standford Supplier) operasi Kish Island, salary USD3800. Bagi

yang berminat, mohon CV dikirim ke atau

Terima Kasih. Abdul Haris (081318304639)

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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