Kapal Pesiar Rancangan Steve Jobs dengan Nuansa Apple

Kapal itu sendiri memiliki nama “Venus”, yang berarti dewi kecantikan dan cinta menurut mitologi Romawi.
Mungkin dapat dikatakan bila kapal ini memiliki ciri-ciri desain produk Apple. Venus memiliki panjang 80 meter, dan eksterior berbahan alumunium. Selain itu, di dalam kapal tersebut juga terdapat 6 buah iMac (Sepertinya New iMac).
Walter Isaacson menyebut kapal ini sebagai sebuah kapal yang sangat minimalis:
"After our omelets at the café, we went back to his house and he showed me all of the models and architectural drawings. As expected, the planned yacht was sleek and minimalist. The teak decks were perfectly flat and unblemished by any accoutrements. As at an Apple store, the cabin windows were large panes, almost floor to ceiling, and the main living area was designed to have walls of glass that were forty feet long and ten feet high. He had gotten the chief engineer of the Apple stores to design a special glass that was able to provide structural support. By then the boat was under construction by the Dutch custom yacht builders Feadship, but Jobs was still fiddling with the design. “I know that it’s possible I will die and leave Laurene with a half-built boat,” he said. “But I have to keep going on it. If I don’t, it’s an admission that I’m about to die.”
Selain itu, bagi para pekerja yang mengerjakan Venus, mereka masing-masing diberikan iPod shuffle oleh keluarga Jobs sebagai ucapan terima kasih.
Untuk melihat Venus lebih banyak lagi, silahkan akses One More Thing dan 9to5mac untuk beberapa foto tambahan lainnya.
Sumber: http://www.makemac.com/2012/10/kapal...n-steve-jobs/#
Gimana menurut KFers? Kalo saya pribadi sih gak pernah habis pikir sama karya-karya Jobs. Ajaib!

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