Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Pelaut

Attention To: PT. Wintermar Tbk
Nama perusahaan / Nama orang crew department

Dear Sir,

On this good opportunity, I would like to apply as a greaser / oiler in your company. My name is Sholah Binaga Ginting, 3 years old, male, single, energetic and healthy.

My personality as a hard worker and fast learner type of person would bring benefit to your company. I will be very appreciated if you could give in opportunity to work in your company.

Herewith I enclose my curriculum vitae, which will give details of my qualification.
I hope my qualifications and experience merit your consideration and look forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours,

Sholeh Binaga Ginting

1 komentar:

  1. Mau tanya nich, kalau melamar pekerjaan sebagai pelaut itu apa juga melampirkan Ijazah sekolah umum, kartu keluarga, skck, ktp, atau cuma CV dan dokument sertifikat kelautan aja.?

