Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Firm cargo, hot to fix

Please propose suitable tonnage for our cargoes.

Cargo: Gypsum in bulk
Quantity: 6000-15000mt +/-10%
Load port: Thathong
Discharge port: Hongai
L/D rate: CQD
Laycan: 25 May-10 Jun
Frt: USD 14.00  (geared vessels)

30,000-50,000 MT Clinker in bulk
L/D: Hongai/Chittagong
Laycan: 10-20 June
L/D rate: 6000/2000 shinc
Freight: 17 fiost (geared vessels)
Add Comm: 1.25%

Cargo: Gypsum in bulk
Quantity: 4000-6000mt +/-10%
Load port: Thathong
Discharge port: Hochiminh
L/D rate: CQD
Laycan: 20-25 May
Frt: USD 10.50 (geared vessels)

Cargo: Gypsum in bulk
Quantity: 10000-13000mt +/-10%
Load port: Thathong
Discharge port: Hochiminh
L/D rate: CQD
Laycan: 27 May - 05 Jun
Frt: USD 10.50

Cargo: Gypsum in bulk
Quantity: 3000mt +/-10%
Load port: Thathong
Discharge port: Cam Ranh
L/D rate: CQD
Laycan: 20-25 May
Frt: USD 11.50

Cargo: Gypsum in bulk
Quantity: 3000mt +/-10%
Load port: Thathong
Discharge port: Hochiminh
L/D rate: CQD
Laycan: 20-25 May
Frt: USD 10.50

Cargo: Soyabean meal in bulk (s.f 1.8 )
Quantity: 3000-4000 MT
POL: Fangcheng, China
POD: Bourbon, LongAn, Vietnam
Laycan: 25-30 May 2012
Freight: Invite Owner's  best offer under FIO bss 1/1
Limited Air draft: 25m, Limited Draft 6m
Comm: 2.5%

Material                  : HMS 1&2 - steel scrap
Stowage Factor     : 1 MT / 2 CBM
Quantity                : 8,000 mt (+/- 10%)
Term                      : FIOST
Loading Port          : Cebu City, Philippines
Loading Rate         : 1,000mt pwwd shinc
Discharging Port    : a) Kaohsiung Taiwan or
                                b) Taichung Taiwan
Please advise freight rate for 2 ports as option.
Discharging Rate   : 1,000mt pwwdfsshinc
Laycan                   :  25-30 May 2012
Comm                     : 2.5%

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Tri (Mr.)
Cell: +84 902620577
Yahoo: shipoffer
6B7 Tran Nao, Binh An Ward, District 2, Hochiminh City, Vietnam
Tel: +84 8 7407622
Fax: +84 8 7407623

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