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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

New AIS products from Vesper Marine

Update the details maritime news relating to New AIS products from Vesper Marine for reader blog Berita Kapal, enjoy reading blog here, thank you for you coming again in the future.Vesper Marine is to introduce two new Class B AIS products to its WatchMate range for 2012, the company reports.
The WatchMate Vision Class B transponder with touch-screen control and a fully wireless Class B AIS transponder black box, AIS XB-8000 are both being launched during the new year.
The company says that they will aim to minimise screen clutter and unwanted targets, allowing the user to concentrate only on vessels that are of importance and to avoid unnecessary alarms.
Four individual alarm profiles are available (Harbour, Anchor, Coastal and Offshore) which can be customised so that the user can switch between profiles.
"We are adding to our existing product line-up with a touch-screen version whilst keeping the same values of the incredibly successful easy-to-use approach of WatchMate, which incorporates our unique feature for the filtering of targets at the user’s discretion," said Mike Ogle, general manager of sales and marketing for Vesper Marine.
"We continue to offer the full WatchMate family of intuitive AIS devices to suit the differing vessel types and courses that owners take."
"Users can be assured that whichever WatchMate device they choose, each version provides filtering techniques that reduce the amount of clutter on screen and so enhance safety by ensuring that users focus only on the objects and vessels that are relevant to their safe passage."

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