Not long ago, we commented on the “Tanker Contamination Claims Checklist” published by the UK P&I Club. The Club has now come out with a sequel pamphlet with the help of Capt David Payne of Associated Petroleum Consultants Ltd. Like the first, “How to prevent tanker cargo shortage claims” is only 12 pages long but covers in easy-to-understand checklist format all key points to consider when handling tanker cargoes – from the pre-loading phase through to discharge. We exaggerate not when we say this is another must-read from the Club for tanker operators and crews.
Naturally, establishing the amount of cargo loaded is critical. As the Club notes, claims for alleged shortages after completion of discharge are always based on the difference between the net bill of lading and outturn quantities in the first instance. Says the Club: “Even if both terminals carry out their measurements diligently, each will (quite legally) round off temperature and ullage readings in its favour, so differences are only to be expected. In general, the bill of lading quantity may be overstated and the outturn quantity may be understated. In the absence of a like for like comparison, the ship is the only common factor and therefore the measurements taken on board are extremely important.”
The pamphlet, however, doesn’t just highlight the need for accurate information and diligence. It also focuses on the importance of the ship’s chief officer building a strong working relationship with shore personnel and cargo inspectors. Although we’re not the technical type, the information was presented in such a clear and interesting manner that we read the whole thing. We suggest tanker crews and those involved in their training do likewise. ~Barista Uno
NOTE: A copy of “How to prevent tanker cargo shortage claims” can be downloaded from here.
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