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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Job Pelaut - Karimar Shipping Agency

Hope Everything goes well with you! Karimar Shipping Agency team like to inform you our Shipping Agency at Egyptian ports,
Port Said / Suez / Damietta/Alexandria/Red Sea.. Our activities are also being in general agency:

 Suez Canal PDA.
 Ship Agency. 
 Owner Matter.
 Ship Operator. 
 Change Crew.
 Parcel Clearance. 
 ship suppliers as all we also have Experiences for Serve your Lady from A To Z …
... That’s because we are working as Agency since 1986 
Our staff in Port Said head office working a 24 Hrs - a day, 7 days -a week At your service.
Karimar ship are handling all port of cargoes from Egypt ports & other ports to different destination.
Egyptian ports is an active port for exports & imports of different commodities with many vessels of different 
commodities, with many vessels of different types and tonnages calling each day for loading & discharging.

If you have vessels to call Egyptian ports please send us your request and we revert to you in 1 hour with our best Performa D/A (as cheap as we can).
Karimar ship - be glad to receive from you vessels position, where / when open interested destination as to enable us look from them suitable cargoes.
We look forward to hearing from you and being utmost active together.
At your service.

Karimar Shipping Agency 
Agents for Suez Canal Transit
Our Main office located in Port Said at the mouth of the great Suez Canal
while the others branches located at over Egypt (Suez - Damietta -
Alexandria - & Red Sea Ports).
Head Office : Port said – Egypt 8, Damietta Street – 1st Floor
P.O.Box : 355 Port said – Egypt Phone : +20 66 333 44 16 - 333 44 39
Fax : +20 66 334 18 45 
Mobile : + 20 108555952 -10 6615241 - 191814161 - 12 2452088 
Kindest Regards,,,

Your sincerely
Capt, A. Baligh
Managing Director
Karimar Shipping

Agent For Suez Canal Transit
Head Office : Port Said – Egypt
P.O.Box : 355 Port Said - Egypt
Tel : +20 66 333 44 16 - 3334439
Mob: +20 108 555 952
Fax : +20 66 334 18 45
Web :

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