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0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Do you know factor of broken stowage at cargo?

Cargo Broken Stowage

To clearly understand about the Cargo broken stowage. will explain you little bit more, that artikel to bring it you sample as follows:
Example 50 tons of general cargo. Stowage factor 40 cubic feet per ton. Broken stowage 5 percent. Loaded into a space containing 6000 cubic feet. What is the space remaining?

Broken stowage explains space 'lost' in a compartment. This loss of space is due mainly to the variable sizes of packages loaded into a compartment, thus preventing a compact and uniform stow. It is most unlikely that a general cargo will provide many cases or packages of uniform size and, though all due care may be taken in stowing them, it is almost impossible to prevent loss of space between some packages, having regard to the questions of preventing crushing and shitting. This loss of space is increased in those parts of the vessel which are not conducive to compactness of stow and here broken stowage will reach a high ratio. With general cargo stowed in end holds, the triangular shape of these holds will not permit a solid or uniform slow.

Obstructions in holds, such as pillars, ladders, stanchions, large angle brackets and beams, will promote broken stowage though modern construction has minimized this.
Broken stowage can be of considerable magnitude with a general cargo, whilst with most bulk cargoes it may be very small.
Most cargoes require wooden dunnage for their successful carriage, but the inconsiderate use of this dunnage can constitute an element of broken stowage, for unnecessary amounts would involve the use of space, the aggregate of which would represent quite a considerable volume.
Discretion in the utilization of cargo space is important for it must be fully realized that the amount of cargo loaded into a vessel directly affects her freight earning capability.
On most established trades cargo is booked for the vessel before her arrival and unless due attention is given to the stowage factor of cargo and care taken to adhere to that figure as nearly as possible, the vessel may arrive at subsequent ports, unable to take the booked quota owing to lack of space.
On some trades, small cargo of particular type is shipped and carried at a low rate of freight, for the express purpose of filling in the open spaces between the packages and at the ends and sides of the main stow, thus reducing broken stowage.
The term 'Broken Stowage Cargo' covers these commodities, though the term 'Broken Stowage' is more correctly associated with the 'loss of space'.
Attention is drawn to the fact that the amount of broken stow¬age is related to the cargo and not to the space in which it 's stowed

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