maaf, kl posisi AB Cook syaratnya apa
>Dari: Dwi <>
>Dikirim: Jumat, 2 September 2011 8:25
>Judul: [pelaut] Revalidasi ORU
>Kepada rekan milis pelaut.
>Tolong informasinya untuk revelidasi oru apa saja persyaratannya, juga biayanya berapa??
>Sent from Samsung tablet gitu lohh
>Rahman <> wrote:
>>Operasinya mana pak???
>> menulis:
>>>We are looking for Master (Module 1+2), C/O (Module 1), 2/O, CE, 2E, 3E, Oiler, AB, AB Cook, prev exp in Bunker Barge is preferable, English, pls send your resume to :, with copies of your sea service, passport, cert(module 1+2), pls put the code : your applied position + Bunker Barge..or pls call to : 081383539020
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