--- Pada Rab, 27/7/11, dwicahyoprayudi@yahoo.com <dwicahyoprayudi@yahoo.com> menulis:
Dari: dwicahyoprayudi@yahoo.com <dwicahyoprayudi@yahoo.com>
Judul: [pelaut] Requirement for Master AHTS DP1
Kepada: pelaut@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 27 Juli, 2011, 8:01 AM
Dear All,
We needs Master ANT1 for AHTS and PSV's with DP 1 (and partly Azimuth drive) operation mainly Africa (Nigeria, Congo, Angola).
Terms 2 months on/off,
DP basic or advanced course accepted
For Azimuth drive vsl then such experience needed
Rate USD 350-380/day (+ 15% for area)
If you feel you are the rights candidates, you can email your CV or come to our office.
Best regards
PT. Jasa Internasional Maritim
Ruko Inkopal blok A no. 53A
Jl. Boulevard Barat Raya, Kelapa Gading
Jakarta Utara
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